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For over 80 years, we have been developing and producing trailer products and brakes of the highest quality for you. Sustainably, customized and at fair prices.



Overview trailer technology

To the overview of brake technology


In 2025, we were again recognized by Yourfirm as one of the 1,000 best employers in the SME sector.

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We would like to point out a safety risk when using axles of type VRB18.

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Wir laden alle Eltern und Schüler der 8. bis 10. Klassen herzlich zum Tag der Ausbildung bei KNOTT…

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Products - Everything you need

Our product assortment guarantees that you will find the right part for your trailer.

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Directly to the shop


BETTER KNOTT – Original Knott ETS Plus

The original KNOTT ETS Plus is the guarantee for the driving safety of your caravan.



Makes the invisible visible: The ETS Plus remote display

As a faithful travelling companion, your ETS Plus noticeably ensures that you are safe on the road with your caravan trailer.


Visit our online shop

A wide range of trailer products awaits you,



Growing requirements are our challenge. Thanks to our development and construction department with unique test facilities we are ready for any type of innovation. Together with you, we develop a brake solution, that is tailored to your requirements. We are the right partner at your side, from the initial coordination to the first field tests and series delivery.

Brakes for all industry sectors

Each industry has its own special needs, for which we find the appropriate solutions in advance.

Sectors overview

Our brakes